Tribute Truck
The Phoenix Fire Foundation Tribute Truck is a restored fire engine dedicated for use as a funeral caisson to carry deceased brother and sister fire fighters to their final resting place. While for most active duty and line of duty deaths, the deceased’s assigned fire apparatus will continue to be used for this purpose, the PFF Tribute Truck will be available – free of charge – to any family of a deceased fire fighter in need of funeral transportation.
When not being used for funerals, the Tribute Truck may be used for appropriate apparatus displays, community events, parades and fundraisers.
Work to restore the truck is performed by volunteer retirees and active firefighters from around the Valley. In addition, local area businesses are donating their time, materials and shop areas for the length of the restoration.
Become a Sponsor to Fund the Truck
Still, we have need of additional help to continue this project. The Foundation is seeking sponsors to fund different stages of the “make-ready” process and to fund continued sponsorships for the ongoing use of the truck. Major sponsors will have their logo or their name on the truck in appreciation.
Your tax-deductible donation will be to the Phoenix Fire Foundation, a non-profit organization. To make a donation, please click here to visit our donation page.
Thank you to our donors!
The following individual have generously donated their time and energy to this project:
Harrold Shell (Tribute Truck committee chairman)
John Beilmann
Jeff Calvagno
Joe Gorraiz
Ron Howell
Paul Klusman
Tim Kovacs
Pat Martin
Billy Patterson
John Sindle
Ray Whitman
Jeff Worley
Duane Ziemer
Tony Zucarelli