David W. Mathis
1953 - 2020
Fire Fighter, Helmet #833
Engines 15 and 26, Class: 78-2
Incident date: Cumulative
Last Alarm: Tuesday May 5, 2020, A Shift
Age: 66 years of age
Served for: 30 years (1978-2008)
Cause: Occupational Cancer, Non Hodgkins Lymphoma (LODD IIc)
Fire Fighter Dave Mathis contracted occupational cancer from multiple toxic exposures over his 30 year career that penetrated his
personal protective equipment, clothing and his body. Dave was diagnosed and affirmed as occupational cancer in 2007 while still on the job.
Dave served Phoenix Fire Department from 1978 until he retired in 2008 and had been in treatment for many years, and more recently hospice. He was brought home from hospice in early May and died on Tuesday, May 5. 2020.
Dave was born on May 16, 1953 in Phoenix, Arizona. He is interred at Phoenix Memorial Cemetery. He is also our first line of
duty death to occur during the international coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, which limited close social contact and gatherings such as funerals.
Dave is survived by his wife and children, several brothers, sisters, nieces and nephews, including a retired Phoenix Fire Fighter and a Sun City Fire Fighter. He was predeceased by his nephew Phoenix Fire Fighter William ‘Marty’ Mathis.
Phoenix Memorial Cemetery, 200 W. Beardsley, Phoenix 85027.
Devotion Section-10-D-3